The wonderful gag cartoon revolves around Papa, an extraordinary member of the Bakabon family. Papa and his catch-line, "This is how things should be," lives in a world populated by a gun-toting policeman, a man who can't stop sweeping, a mysterious dog and his graduate friends from Bakada University. Considered a masterpiece, this was the first full-blown gag cartoon in Japan, read by both children and adults. It had a great impact on the manga world and its influence went on to inspire a style of Japanese stand-up comedy.
* The Japanese word 'Baka' translates as 'stupid'
A story revolving around the lives of Iyami, Chibita, Dekapan, Dayon and the Matsuno family sextuplets. The character of Iyami and his "Sheeee!" catchphrase, outgrew small beginnings as a background character to become one of Akatsuka's most popular characters, his pose copied and imitated by everyone from Godzilla to John Lennon when The Beatles visited Japan. Osomatsu-kun was a huge success playing the sextuplets' weak personalities off against a strong-minded supporting cast. Osomatsu-kun was serialized for 10 years, the longest-running of all Akatsuka cartoons.
The laughs, tears and warm-hearted tales of Tokyo-born Aataro and Dekoppachi, his country-bumpkin friend, became hugely successful after relatively unpopular beginnings. The lovability of Dekoppachi alongside talking animal characters such as Nyarome boosted the cartoon's popularity, with student activists of the time strongly identifying with Nyarome's never-say-die spirit.
The life of tomboy Akko-chan changed dramatically after receiving a magic mirror giving her the ability to change into anyone or anything as long as she kept its power secret. This comic, primarily aimed at girls who loved and adopted the magic words for using the mirror, "tekumaku mayakon, tekumaku mayakon....lamipus lamipus lu lu lu lu lu", appealed to anyone identifying with its dreams of change. After being animated, Himitsu no Akko-chan went on to even greater success.
© 1969- Fujio Productions Ltd. All right reserved.